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J. J. Slattery

James J. Slattery is the author of Army Girl (as J.S McInroy) and is currently working on his next book which he hopes to publish in the Spring of 2016. He is also the author of the personal chronicle DIE LIVE LOVE. He is a resident of Upsate New York. Visit his personal web site here.

Book cover image for Embarkation


“Embarkation” is the author’s attempt to write a normal short story centered upon normal people. He failed.

Publication Date: July 18, 2015
Language: English
Format: Digital

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Book cover image for Slate Run Annual Vol. 1

Slate Run Annual Vol. 1

Slate Run Annual is a collection of unique and fresh new voices draw exclusively from the Capital District area of upstate NY. Diverse in genre and style, Slate Run Annual presents a wide range of voices - literary fiction, humor, fantasy, science fiction and coming of age. So expansive a collection will doubtless present readers with something for every taste.

Publication Date: April 20, 2015
ISBN: 978-0692327371
Language: English
Format: Print & Digital

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Book cover image for Die Live Love

Die Live Love

DIE LIVE LOVE is the story of one reluctant pilgrim’s progress from childhood’s end through the various stages of spiritual and physical death into life, then into Grace. It is a tale of growing alienation metastasizing into alcoholism and impending spiritual death. It is a story of a man buried so deep in the muck of his own base nature that he grasps at the misunderstood promise of a voice from somewhere of someone he doesn’t believe in. The voice is that of God. The promise fulfilled beyond his wildest imaginings. This is a tale of the dead; it is a memory of loves both real and unreal; it, most of all, is a hymn of praise to the love of God for a son once too far deep into the slop even for swine to endure; and it is a shout of Joy. The author hopes that anyone too far gone into any of the swamps of despair, dependency, and dissolution may find in the story of James Slattery a glimmer of hope. He is one who chose to sink into the mud and dwell there until he drowned in his own excrement. Yet God’s Grace found him. All he needed do was accept the offer of the Divine. He did.

Publication Date: September 30, 2014
ISBN: 978-0692265376
Language: English
Format: Print & Digital

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